Before everybody starts reading I wanted to credit some amazing people! Andres and Hudson thank you helping me create book 2! The full book is here! Read on!

I've had enough waiting. Those three kids are seriously getting on my nerves. He couldn't believe Santa had found him. He would get his revenge though. Once he got this intercom through the bars he could finally make his escape. WHY DID THE BARS HAVE TO BE SO HIGH! Another thing he would make Santa pay for. "This is a waste of time." he muttered to himself and with that he threw the intercom out the bars. "There that should do it, any second he should be here. " he muttered cruely to himself. "Master." a voice called from outside the bars. "Is it time?" "Yes, the time has come. Everything is falling right into place . . .
Chapter 1 CandyMan
Nico was worried. It's not a big deal, he thought. I mean it could be any random person that broke out last night. He didn't know why he felt a connection to this person though. Whenever he thought about it he kept circling back to the day his father left. Something about paying the price. Nico didn't dwell on it long though. He had to get ready.
It was the first day back to school today and he couldn't be late. He had bigger things to worry about, thinking of his new teacher. He heard she was crazy. He was just getting out of the house when Boom! He looked outside in astonishment as a car went flying straight towards his house. "AHH!" Nico screamed, running for his life. It was a good thing his parents were at work today. Crash! His house went crashing down. "Ok." he said panting "Maybe that prison break is connected to this.".
"Good for you Nico, you figured it out.". Nico whipped around to come face to face with a mysterious figure. Nico had no idea who he was. With his blackish-purplish clothing he seemed more like that candy bar he had yesterday than a kidnapper. "You look like a candy bar." he said without thinking. "WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP- yes I look like a candy bar, but I'M NOT A CANDY BAR." he said angrily. "Ok I get it." Nico muttered. "Well it doesn't matter you're coming with me." The kidnapper told him.
"Not today Candy Bar!" yelled a voice from above. "Smoke bomb!" he yelled and with that Nico was pulled away. He could hear the Candy Bar screaming from above him- wait above him? Where was he? "Who are you." Nico asked him. "No questions." his kidnapper said as if that ended the matter. "Well I think if someone kidnaps me I have the right to ask questions." Nico grumbled. "Ok, I’m Andres and I'm rescuing you." Andres told him.
Chapter 2 The Rescue
"Oh yeah that totally explains everything." Nico muttered. "Why did you take me?" he questioned Andres. "Well I had to. I already rescued your other friends. Jack and . . Sophie." he guessed. "Yeah that's them, but why?" he asked, getting annoyed. "Well obviously Candy Bar tried to kidnap you." Andres said as if that weren't obvious. "Now no more questions I need to activate the radar." he announced. Nico wasn't so sure about Andres.
He seemed like a good person, but he was being too mysterious about what he did. He couldn't conclude anything yet though. "Well I activated the radar. We should be on our way soon, but for now let's just wait here." Andres announced. Nico couldn't help noticing he had something tied around wrist. He couldn't make it out, though it was almost all black. "Andres, you're back?" said another voice beside them. "Hi Ryan, yes I found Nico." Andres said, standing up. "Great! Now let's get going, Hudson is waiting for us." Ryan announced starting down the passage.
Nico couldn't stand the quiet. "Where are we going anyway?" Nico asked. Ryan and Andres seemed to share a look before answering. "Back to the base." Ryan said carefully. “Well, then who are you?” Nico asked. Now he could see the look. They probably wouldn’t tell him the truth. “Well." Ryan said thoughtfully. “ We did save you didn’t we? I think that’s pretty much what we do.” Ryan told him. Andres interrupted before Nico could ask anything. “Here we are, home.” Andres announced.
Chapter 3 The Silent Ones
“You’re finally back. What took so long?” someone asked. “Well don’t blame me Hudson. You should blame Candy Man.” Ryan said laughing. “I like that name.” “Wait. He’s called Candy Man?” Nico asked, amused. “No, but he looks like a candy bar so yes, that’s his new name.” Andres told him.
“Nico m’boy, is that you?” someone called. Wait, he recognized that voice. Nico turned, suddenly staring at his dad. “Dad? Is- is that you? he called tears in his eyes, running to him. “Wow how are you here, did they rescue you from Candy Man?” Asked Nico. “No, I found this group the day I left.” Replied his dad. “Why did you leave then? Why didn’t you tell us." Nico complained. “I had no choice Nico. If I had told you and the Secret One found you then what would have happened?” his father replied with a sad sigh. After a few seconds “I’ve missed your mother’s cooking." His father started again with a grin. “Hey! My cooking can’t be that bad can it?” Hudson complained.
Everybody cracked up from that. “Well I’m going to go to the library. I got something to do." Ryan said after everybody had calmed down. “Where are Jack and Sophie though? Andres told me that you already rescued them?” Asked Nico. Hudson thought about that for a moment.
“You should find them in the library. It’s just down the hallway, you can’t miss it.” Hudson replied. “Ok, I’ll be right back.” Said Nico. He rushed off down the hallway. “There you are." Jack called to him. “We’ve been waiting here for hours." Sophie told him. “I’m starving." Jack said sadly. “What do you mean you’re starving, we just ate!” said Sophie.
“Yeah like 10 minutes ago.” Jack said sadly. Sophie and Nico laughed at that. “Ok, ok I get it.” Jack called with a grin. Nico noticed Ryan out of the corner of his eye. He seemed to be looking at a photo. “What’s Ryan doing?” Nico asked quietly. “Not sure. He usually comes here from time to time looking at some kind of picture or map of some sort.” Jack commented silently. BOOM!!!
Chapter 4: The Escape
“What was that?” Nico screamed. Ryan got up instantly and looked at the three of them seeming to notice them for the first time. “Get back to the main room. I’ll be there in a minute.” He shouted over the booming noises. When they got there, Andres told them that they had been found by the Candy Man and his minions. “We have to get out of here or they’re going to find us,” Hudson shouted, sounding alarmed. Just then, Ryan showed up with a weird looking device in his hands. “I found it. Now let’s get out of here.” He shouted at them.
“Let’s go to the escape pods!” Shouted Hudson. “Uh, is this Star Wars now?” Nico called back. “What? Never mind just follow us.” Hudson said as if they knew what escape pods were. With that, they ran, following Andres to some weird looking vehicles. “Are these the escape pods?” Asked Jack, confused. “Yeah, now get in!” Shouted Ryan.
Nico didn’t expect the escape pods to be such advanced vehicles, but here they were. “How do these things work?” Asked Nico, “If i’m going to drive this thing then I need to know how to drive.” He called again when no one answered. “It’s easy, you just click the blue button, and then type the exact coordinates of where you want to go.” Said Andres, as if that were the simplest thing in the world.
“The green button? Ok.” Nico called back pressing the button. “Oh brother.” Hudson muttered. “This isn’t good.” “ Auto destruction in 10, 9, 8, 7…” said a machine voice. Nico started pressing random buttons and with some miracle, everything stopped. “Never. Do that. Again.” Ryan said once they started up the vehicles.
“Where do we go?” Asked Nico. “What coordinates do I put in?” “728, 213, 457.” Jack called. “How do you know that?” Nico questioned. “Uh it’s already on auto for me soo.” Jack said. Everybody stared at him. “What? I was playing around with buttons until I found an auto pilot button.” Jack said embarrassed. “ THERE YOU ARE!” Shouted a voice from behind. Nico turned around and saw Candy Man walking dramatically towards them. Jack grinned as if he knew something.
“Sorry about this.” Jack called and with that the cave exploded. They immediately started down the road. They could hear Candy Man yelling from behind them. “How did you do that!” Nico yelled over the wind. “I uh… read the manual.” He called back. “The manual for placing C-4s?” Nico yelled. “Uh yes?” He tried. “How did you find a manual for that!” Nico yelled jealousy.
“And how did you know we were going to be attacked!” Yelled Sophie “Uh I just thought it would be fun to do something besides sitting in a library. Which it was.” Jack called back. “How did you do that without u- doesn’t matter, we have bigger matters to attend to.” Andres called. “STOP THE VEHICLE” CandyMan said out of nowhere. “Nope.” "Noooo" The Candy Man called just seconds before Andres ran him over.
A few hours later....
“I haven’t felt that good for a long time.” Andres said, satisfied. They had set up camp now. They were sitting around the fire. “Where to now?” Asked Nico. Andres and Ryan looked at each other for a moment. “I don’t know.” Answered Ryan. “Don’t you guys have an outpost or something? For emergencies?” Asked Sophie.
“Wait, didn't he say we could go there when we needed?” Ryan asked Hudson. “No. We can’t go there. Not there. That’s the worst place I've ever been to. I’m not going there. We can’t go there.” Hudson exclaimed. “We have to, we have nowhere else to go.” Ryan reasoned.
“No, I can’t go back there.” said Hudson, stubbornly. “Uh… What are you guys talking about?” asked Jack. They ignored him. “We have to, Hudson.” Andres started to say. “Fine, but we’re not staying longer than we have to.” Said Hudson.
Chapter 5: The Mansion
“Whoa, what is this place!” Said Nico, awestruck. He had never seen anything so big before. “This is a friend’s house,” Said Hudson sadly, “We might be staying here for a while.” “This is incredible!” Said Jack, “Think about all the food they probably have!” “Jack… We were just attacked and all you think about is food?” Asked Sophie, annoyed.
“Welcome, my friends, to my home!” Said a big man. He had a round face with an italian accent. “Hello Leonardo.” Said Hudson with sadness in his voice. “How are you doing, old friend?” called Leonardo, with joy. “We’re fine, Thank you.” Andres called back. “I see you brought some new friends.” Said Leonardo. “Hi, I’m Nico and these are my friends, Jack and Sophie.
“Greetings Nico, Jack and Sophie!” Called Leonardo. Nico sized him up. He didn’t know if he really needed to but he didn’t exactly know this guy. “Aidan!” Leonardo suddenly called when Nico’s dad showed up. He seemed excited to see him. Nico’s dad’s mouth dropped open. “Leonardo? Is that really you?” Aidan asked in shock.
Chapter 6: Brothers
“Yes it is.” Leonardo said, tearing up. They hugged each other. “Wait, you guys know each other?” Nico asked, confused. “Why of course. We’re brothers after all. Don’t you remember me telling you about him!” Nico’s dad exclaimed. “Yes, but I didn’t think this would be him.” Nico exclaimed. Everyone started to stare at Leonardo but he didn’t seem to notice, he was too happy.
“Come in, Come in.” Leonardo said happily. Everybody started forward. When they got inside, they saw a young boy, about 13 or 14 years old. “There you are m’boy, come here and introduce yourself.” said Leonardo. “Hi, i’m Valerius.” The boy said friendly. “You are?” He asked excitedly. “I’m Nico, these are my friends, Jack and Sophie.” Replied Nico.
“Hi, you don’t have any food around here do you?” asked Jack. “Jack, don’t be rude!” Sophie exclaimed. “What? I’m hungry!” Jack exclaimed. “It’s ok, we’re having dinner now, feel free to join us.” said Valerius.
Chapter 7: Valerius
“Woah!” Exclaimed Jack, “This food is amazing!” “Thank you,” said Leonardo, “The chef did all the cooking.” “Is he a five star chef or something?” Andres asked. “Yes! Isn’t his cooking wonderful.” Replied Valerius. “So, what do we owe this wonderful surprise to?” Asked Leonardo. “Well, we got attacked and our HQ got blown up.”
Replied Ryan sadly. “Oh, I didn't know, I'm sorry” Said Leonardo. “It's ok…” Said Ryan, even sadder. “Anyways! We hope we can stay here until we can at least build a small outpost.” Andres told him. “Hmmm. I could help you with that problem. I have a few giant bunkers around here that could be of some assistance. We use them to check the water systems, but you could use it.” Leonardo mused.
“Really!?” Andres said getting up immediately. “Why of course! Valerius could take you there, right son?” Leonardo asked. “Of course father. I would be happy to show them around.” Valerius said happily. Ryan got up. “Do you have a library around here?” He asked Leonardo. “Of course you’ll find it down the passageway.” Ryan muttered something to himself as he walked away. That was weird Nico thought. I should probably follow him. He asked to be excused and quickly ran down the passageway Ryan had gone. He wanted to figure out what Ryan was doing. He found Ryan sitting in a chair looking at a picture. He crept behind him to take a look.
Ryan seemed to be reading something, but Nico couldn't make it out. “Hello?” Nico said carefully. Immediately Ryan got up and whipped around. “Oh it’s just you.” Ryan said relief in his voice. “What are you doing?” Nico asked. “Hmm? Oh I found a book earlier before we had to abandon the outpost. It's about these amulets." He said thoughtfully.
"I thought it was important for some reason. Like something came over me and I felt a need to take this book before the explosion." Ryan mused.j “Anyway. Uh why did you come to the library?” Ryan asked shaking his head. Uh oh. Nico didn’t plan ahead enough for this. “Uhhh . . . I uh- just wanted to find something?” Nico tried. “Oh, Cool.” Ryan replied looking back at the book.
Nico wasn’t sure whether Ryan believed him or not, but that didn’t matter now. “I’m gonna look around.” Nico told Ryan absentmindedly. “I’m gonna go with Andres to check out the outpost. I’ll see you later.” Ryan told him getting up. Ryan had just left so Nico started to look around. Suddenly a loud crack echoed through the corridors.
Nico looked up in horror as a stalactite broke from the ceiling and fell straight toward him.
Chapter 8 The Knife
Nico doged just in time as the stalactite fell and crashed exactly where he had been standing seconds before. Nico couldn’t believe that just happened. “Nico? Where are you? What happened?” He heard someone call to him. He looked at his arm. “Uh oh.” Nico said weakly and with that blacked out.
“Where am I?” Nico muttered. He got up and felt a sharp pain in his arm. “What happened?” he asked no one in particular. He looked around, but no one else was in the room. He risked a look at his arm to find it wrapped in bandages. He tried to remember what had happened. The stalactite ha- Creeaakkk. He looked up. The door had opened up. A hooded man stood at the entrance.
“Jack, Valerius, Sophie? Is it you guys?” Nico said warely. Don’t be crazy Nico that can’t be them they would have said something by now. “Youuu willlll dieeee.” The hooded figure said cruelly and with that he lunged for Nico. Nico didn’t understand why all the bad stuff kept happening to him that day. Fortunately for Nico Jack burst into the room. “Hey you’re . . . oh.” Jack said, noticing the hooded figure.
“Please don’t tell me that’s another bad guy.” Jack asked hopefully. “Uh he definitely is because he’s coming after me right now.” Nico said plaintively. “So are you gonna help me?” Nico asked. The hooded figure seeming to lose interest in the conversation crept forward again. “Jack what’s going on-.” Ryan and Andres burst into the room. “Who’s that?”
Ryan asked as they advanced on the figure. Nico mumbled something, but he was losing conscience. “Why do I keep getting attacked?” Nico managed to say just before blacking out. Nico woke up to find Jack sitting next to him. “Hey, you’re awake.” Jack noted. He seemed tired like he’d been up all night. “Were you here the whole time?” Nico asked him. “Yes.” Jack replied. “It’s been a few days now.” Jack said after a few minutes. “What! I’ve been sleeping here for a few days?!” Nico said immediately, trying to stand up. He immediately felt a very strong pain. “Don’t try to stand up, you’re still hurt.” Jack told him firmly.
Nico fell back down. “Where’s Sophie?” Nico asked. “She is in the library, researching some stuff.” Jack replied. “We can go there after I have breakfast,” Jack said, glancing towards the kitchen, “I haven’t eaten anything for hours.” They managed to walk their way to the buffet table.
“Wow!” exclaimed Jack looking hungrily at the table, “Look at all this food!” “Can’t you just stop thinking about food for a minute?” Asked Nico, annoyed. “Nah,” Said Jack, dismissively, “Well, at least the food will give you energy for walking.” “True enough.” Nico reasoned “Here, catch!” Called Jack, throwing an orange at him.
Nico, still getting used to moving, dropped the orange which fell to his feet. “It doesn’t matter, let's go after you eat something.” Jack said. “I thought you hated her lectures.” Nico said, smirking. “Only when someone lectures me.” Jack said indignantly. “Well I'm done, are you ready to go?” Nico questioned, looking at the door. Jack looked sadly at all the food he could’ve eaten. “Yeah... I guess so.” Jack said looking again at the food.
They walked over to the library to find no one there. “Uh I thought you said she was in the library,” Nico said looking around, “Well it’s not possible to stay here that long though. I mean, what can you do?” Read?” Jack said thoughtfully as if the idea felt wrong. Nico rolled his eyes. “Well there’s no one here now.
“Jack? Nico? Have you seen Sophie?” Valerius was rushing towards them. “No we couldn’t find her. Why are you looking for her?” Nico asked him. “I needed some help with a map I found, but that doesn’t matter. She’s gone.” Valerius explained. He told them what had happened. “You guys should look here and i’ll take the basement.” Valerius called to them rushing off.
Nico saw something drop out of his pocket. “Valerius you-.” Nico started looking down at the chain. It was a silver scythe token or something. “Hmm.” Nico said more or less. “Ooo what is it?” Jack asked him. “Not sure.” Nico told him stuffing it in his pocket. “Let’s follow him.” Nico said running the way Valerius had gone.
Chapter: 9 Missing
“Sophie?” Nico felt like they’d been yelling her name for hours even though it had only been a few minutes. He couldn’t believe that she disappeared. This really was the worst day ever. Hudson, Ryan, and Andres were at the outpost so they couldn’t help. Nico didn’t feel like asking Leonardo either.
Where had Valerius gone? He had only disappeared a few minutes ago. Now they were both missing. “Sophie?” Nico called again, “Where are you?” No one responded. Where had she gone? Where could she go? They had searched the whole mansion by that time his feet felt like falling off.
The only explanation left was that she maybe went to check on the outpost or that she got kidnapped… Nico had to tell Jack, but, where was he? They had split up to cover more ground in their search. He could be anywhere by now. “Jack?” Nico called. No one answered. “Jack!” Nico called even louder. Still no one answered. “Don’t move Nico. Or else your friend dies.” A voice answered.
“Who are you? Why do I feel like I know you?” Nico asked puzzled. Jack didn’t look so good. He was slumped over the mystery man’s back. “You do know me. As a different person maybe…” Said the man. Nico couldn’t shake the feeling. He knew this person. “Can you guess Nico. Don’t you recognize my knife?” The man asked, teasing him.
Suddenly it came to him. This was, this was… “Yes it’s me Nico . . . Valerius.”
Chapter 10: Betrayal
“You were the one who dropped that stalactite. You were the one who tried to kill me, but… why? I thought we were friends.” Nico said sadly. Valerius laughed, a cruel, vile laugh. “We’re not friends. We barely even know each other. You think that we could seriously be friends?” Valerius snarled back. Realization hit Nico.
“You work for the Secret One don’t you?” Nico scoffed. “Why of course! Don’t mean to brag, but I'm his right hand man.” Valerius said with pride. “You couldn’t beat me even if you tried.” Valerius scoffed again. “Now give me that chain. Or else your friend pays the price.” Valerius told him menacingly.
Was he talking about the chain he’d found earlier. The same one he dropped? Could it help them somehow? “Why, what does it do?” Nico said, trying to act confused. “Not like you could stop me anyway. I can harness its power. The pendant of the Secret One himself.” Valerius said, proudly. Nico could use this, he just had to figure it out. “How do you use it?” Nico said trying to act like he was a clueless child.
“Hmph. I suppose I can tell you. It’s not like you could do anything at all.” Valerius laughed and started explaining. “You already said that.” Nico thought to himself. “Well, first off, you need to have years of training.” Explained Valerius. “Training for what?” Asked Nico, confused. “Dark magic.” Said Valerius like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
His plan was screwed. His hopes plummeted. How was he supposed to use it if he didn’t know how to use dark magic? “Well, I obviously don’t have years of experience in dark magic.” Said Nico. “Of course you don’t, only the most trusted pupils of the Secret One are allowed to learn it.” Explained Valerius. “If I give you this, will you let my friends go and let us go unharmed?” Asked Nico.
“Of course.” Said Valerius. Nico didn’t know what to do. If he gave it to him, Valerius would let his friends go and he could regroup with Andres, Ryan and Hudson to plan an attack on the Secret One. “Ok, here you go.” Said Nico, giving the amulet to him. Valerius laughed cruelly.
“You fool, did you really think that I would let you go that easily?” Laughed Valerius. Uh-oh. He was going to die now. “Now I’m going to kill your friends slowly in front of you.” Mocked Valerius. With that, Nico exploded with rage.
Chapter 11: Dark Magic
The amulet started glowing. Valerius looked petrified. Was he doing that? That didn’t matter, he had to destroy Valerius. He had to save his friends. The amulet was on fire now, it was a weird black fire. It seemed to absorb light instead of making light. Valerius looked even more scared, if that was possible.
“St-stop that!” yelled Valerius. What was happening? Was this some kind of magic? Maybe Valerius was mocking him. Making him seem powerful and then laughing at him. But it didn’t seem like that. Valerius’ fear seemed very real. “H-h-how?!” Yelled Valerius, trembling with fear.
Nico raised his hand. Valerius was lifted off the ground. Nico made a pushing gesture and Valerius was thrown against the wall and blacked out. The wall cracked. So Nico did have magical powers. His rage subsided. Nico felt weak. The amulet dimmed to a glow. “Nico?” asked a voice behind him. Nico turned to see Ryan, “How did you do that?” Asked Ryan, looking scared. With that, Nico blacked out.
When he woke up, he was in a hospital bed, inside of what looked like a bunker. There were people speaking. Nico could barely hear them. “-What was that-” “-Was dark magic-” “-Only The Secret One’s- trusted pupils- do that” Did he do dark magic? Did magic even exist? The voices stopped, a door opened. “Oh, hey,” Said Andres “You’re awake.”
“How did I do that?” Nico asked. “Do what?” Andres asked, confused. “That weird magic thing I did.” Nico explained. “Oh-that.” Andres said, now understanding. “Was it dark magic?” Asked Nico. Andres seemed to think before he answered. “Yes, we don’t know how, but that was dark magic.” explained Andres. “Valerius told me that only the Secret Ones' most trusted pupils are taught that.” said Nico. “Well, not only that,” Explained Andres, “You also need to be born with it, which is extremely rare. Only the people with the most evil souls get dark magic.”
“But… If there is dark magic, is there light magic?” Asked Nico. “There was, once upon a time.” said Andres. “What do you mean ‘once upon a time’?” Asked Nico. “Well, long ago, there were some giants. They ruled the land and lived above, in the clouds. They created humans out of the ether and the void-” “What are the ether and the void?” Asked Nico, interrupting him.
“He ether is the source of all light magic and the void of dark,” explained Andres, “The giants used both sources because they wanted a balanced creature. One that could make choices, and so they did, and put us in the Earth. Some were evil, some were good. But all had magic, slowly, the magic started dying away and people became corrupted. The giants took the ether away so that the humans didn’t corrupt it, thus light magic died in humans.” said Andres.
“So what happened next?”Asked Nico. “The humans used dark magic to battle the giants. The humans won. But the Giant King hid the ether and the void away to a place no human could get it. But the humans were so corrupt that a tiny piece of magic stayed with them.” Explained Andres. “But, if I have dark magic, does that mean that I have an evil soul?” asked Nico.
“Not quite. Long ago there was a powerful magician that had a good soul but had dark magic, he used it for good.” explained Andres. “Our best guess was that you are him, reborn” said Andres. “I guess I get it. What are we going to do now then?” Asked Nico. “We’re going after the Secret One, but first, we have to train you.” Andres said with determination.
Chapter 12: Training
“Again.” Said Andres. This was his first class of Andres teaching him magic. It was way harder than it looked. He almost always passed out on the floor at the end of his class. “You can do it Nico!” cheered Sophie. His task was to use his magic to put out three candles at once. He tried again, reaching into himself feeling for that familiar coldness.
He used it and moved it to the heart of the heat and tried to put them out. It worked. “Yay! You did it!” Cheered Sophie. “Good job. You can have a break.” Ryan taught the trio how to fight, Hudson taught them how to use special equipment like smoke bombs, grappling hooks and more. When they had finished, Andres taught Nico how to use his magic and how to control it.
Jack was really good at sword fighting so he was having extra classes with Ryan. Sophie was good with the special equipment classes but came to watch how Nico was doing in his dark magic classes. Nico sipped from his water. “That was really good Nico, I’m impressed!” said Sophie excitedly. “Thanks.” Nico said, sipping from his water again. “You’re getting really good at this.” Andres told him.
Jack was off training with Ryan so it was just Andres, Sophie and Nico. Hudson was busy making some new special equipment for them. A few months later, Nico was better at dark magic, Jack had gotten a lot better at sword play with Ryan. He was off making his own sword with Ryan. Sophie was making her own special equipment. It was like a smoke bomb but it had poison in it. She called it ‘poison bomb’, she had given them each a gas mask so that the poison didn’t hurt them. That evening Andres, Ryan and Hudson showed up and said three words. “It’s go time.”
Chapter 13: Infiltration
They grabbed their gear and met up in the meeting room. “You certainly took your time.” Hudson noted. “Do you know where the Secret One’s base is?” Asked Sophie. “We have a close guess.” Andres replied. Nico didn’t know what he was talking about. Sophie did though. “Really? That place? I mean yes it’s abandoned, but it’s just a factory. Wouldn’t it be like an abandoned palace or something?” She said.
Everybody looked at her. “Ok, ok, I know I read a lot.” She said plaintively. “Well here’s the plan.” Andres said. “We infiltrate here then go in. You all know what you’re doing right?” Andres asked. “Yes.” Everybody said simultaneously. “We think that there might be a secret passageway to the actual bunker. It’ll be hard to find though, are you ready?” “Yes.” They all said.
Nico wasn’t so sure about the plan though. There must’ve been a lot of people who had dark magic, and they had years of training. He was kind of scared, but it didn’t matter. They had to do this. If not, who knew what the Secret One’s next move would be?
“We’re here. Split up. Circle back here in 1 hour.” Andres told them. Nico still felt that nag like something was going to go wrong. He was with Jack to kill the main guards. He was just starting to doubt his magic when he saw the skeletal guards ahead.
“Chargeee!” Jack yelled. Before Nico could react Jack leaped into battle. Nico tried to help, but when he finally came to his senses, the guards were already a pile of bones. “Not bad for my first time.” Jack commented, kicking at the bones. Nico did a quick look around and found another amulet.
He picked it up and gave it to Jack. “Another scythe charm?” Jack asked, taking the amulet. “Maybe it’ll come in handy. Maybe you could use it somehow.” Nico told him. Jack stuffed it in his pocket and they walked on. “I don’t see anybody else.” Nico said. “Well it’s foggy so not like we’re gonna see them first.” Jack replied. “Not helpful.” Nico said plaintively.
“We should look around for more guards.” said Nico. “Way ahead of you.” Replied Jack, running faster. Nico stumbled to catch up. When he finally caught up he thought it was okay to take a break. “Never- do that- again.” Nico said clearly out of breath. Nico looked up wondering why Jack didn’t reply. Turns out he had run off.
“Come on.” Nico muttered angrily. He started walking around. Wait, we're supposed to meet back he thought to himself. He looked down at his watch, it had been 2 hours! He was late. “Jack! WHERE ARE YOU!” Nico yelled. No one responded. “GUYS?” He called again. This was the worst.
He was all alone in a creepy, abandoned factory yard. “Chitter chatter.” Something said ahead of him. Nico ducked into a bush and waited. There were some skeletons on horses. They were talking in some chitter chatter whatever-you-call-it language. “Chitter Chatttterrr Chitterr.” One of them said.
Nico chose that time to jump out and kill them. Bones clattered all around him as they fell off their horses. Nico looked through the bones for more amulets, but the skeletons either lost it or got on the Secret One’s bad side. It didn’t matter though, he had to find Jack and get back to the group. “NICO!” Jack called from behind the bush. “NICO WH- AHHH!” Jack yelled as Nico jumped out of the bush. “Never do that again. Ever.” Jack told him, brushing off dust.
“Come on, let’s go to the others.” Nico said. When they got to the meeting point, there was no one there. “Uh, I thought they said to meet back 3 hours ago?” Nico said looking around for a message. There was none. After looking around some more, he found footprints leading into the factory. “Maybe they already went in?” Jack said, unsure.
After examining the footprints, Nico saw that they were a bit weird, more like … skeletons. “What the-” Nico muttered under his breath, “These are the guard’s footprints, not the others’.” “Where are they?” Jack asked. “I… I Don’t know…” Nico answered. “Well then let’s follow them!” Jack exclaimed.
“It might be a trap.” Nico reasoned. “Then let’s follow them warily!” Jack said. If they followed the footprints, they would’ve got caught for sure. But maybe he could… “I’ll hide us with a shadow.” Nico told Jack. “Sure, but let’s follow those footprints.” Jack insisted. Nico reached into himself for his dark magic. Feeling it, he wrapped it around the two boys and hid them from sight. “It's cold here.” Jack complained. “Well, deal with it.” Nico told him.
When they started down the path that the footprints made, they overheard some voices speaking. “-how much longer-” one complained “Shut up, they’ll hear us and know we have a trap set up.” Another, more bossy voice said “Ok, Ok! I get it, but that isn’t going to make me any less hungry.” The first voice said. “Shut up! They could be here any second” The bossy voice said. With that, the voices stopped. “This way.” Nico whispered. They had to find their friends. They didn’t have time for minor monsters. “Who called me a minor?” The monsters burst through the corridor. “There should be someone here. Someone use their magic and break through their spell.” The monster hissed at his comrades.
“We should probably be going now. Jack what are you doing?” Nico said. Jack was stabbing and killing monsters without hesitation. By the time Nico managed to do something all the monsters were piles of bones and monster dust. “Are you sure that was a good idea?” Nico asked Jack. “Come on we have some friends to save.” Jack told him.
Chapter 14: Breakout
“I can’t believe I agreed to this.” Nico hissed at Jack. They were climbing up the side of the factory to get into the main room. That was supposedly where the jailor who had the keys to the dungeon was. It made sense since he was the boss, but did they have to climb up a wall? “It’ll be worth it, now come on, we have to rescue the others,” Jack told him. Nico obligingly followed him up the factory wall.
“Wait Jack. Did you say supposedly? I thought you were for sure he would be there.” Nico told Jack, making a face. “Uh, did I say that? Whoops! I meant to say that he’s there for sure.” Jack said. “You’re not buying it are you,” Jack grumbled, a few seconds later. “Nope,” Nico told him, grinning. “Look, the main room is our best shot at finding the jailor. Where else could we find him?” Jack asked. “Fine, we’ll go to the main room.” Agreed Nico. “Wait aren’t jailers usually in the dungeons?” Nico realized. “Oh. They are?” Jack said thoughtfully while taking out a notebook.
“Where did you get a- Ugh, never mind,” Nico told him. “Let’s just get to the dungeons,” Nico muttered, climbing down. Sometime later they finally found the dungeons. They found the jailer a short way away from the door muttering to himself. Nico could see the keys on his chair. “Come to papa.” He said mostly to himself. Using a bit of magic, he willed the keys to come to him preferably without the jailor seeing him. “Knock him out,” Nico muttered to a rock, throwing it as hard as he could at the jailor.
Instantly the jailor fell to the ground, clearly unconscious. They walked past him towards the cells. “Split up. Yell when you find them.” Jack called walking another way. Nico kept going. He found them close to a lava river. “Guys!” Nico called excitedly. They looked up with relieved looks on their faces. “Nico! You’re back!” Sophie called to him.
“Jack I found them!” Nico yelled echoing through the corridors. He managed to find the right key and unlock their cell. Fortunately, he unlocked the cell right before the keys fell in the river. “Oops,” Nico muttered. “Thank you,” said Sophie. “Come on, let’s find Jack.” Called Nico, walking back the way Jack had gone.
“Jack!” Nico called again. “Right here!” Jack called back. “Meet you at the dungeon entrance!” Nico called. “Hey, guys,” Jack said once they were out of the dungeons. “Come on, we have an evil overlord to defeat.” Said Ryan.
Chapter 15: The Secret One
“Come on guys,” Nico whispered, “We’re almost there.” They had disguised themselves as some of the skeleton guards. They were going to sneak into the throne room and kill the Secret One, hopefully, without causing much trouble. They were now in the main room, following a hallway that led to the throne room. “I don’t think that we are allowed here anymore.” Noted Hudson. “You think so?” responded Sophie skeptically. “Come, I’ll hide us.” Said Nico, casting a shadow around them to hide them from sight.
When they reached the throne room’s doors, they lost hope. There were massive, medieval-looking doors. There was no chance that they could break-in. “Nope, not this way,” whispered Andres, walking back the way they came. “Wait.” Said Hudson. “There is a window right there,” Jack pointed out, “Come on.” With that, they climbed up to the window and went through. There was a little ledge where they could walk through to get to the throne room. “Nope,” Said Sophie, “I don’t do well with heights. You guys go, I’ll stay.” “No, we go together, or not at all,” Nico told her.
“I have to set the poison bombs, Nico,” Sophie told him. He didn’t like it, but he went with the others as they left Sophie behind. “I’m not sure that was a good idea,” Nico told the others. “She can do her job pretty well. You’d be surprised.” Hudson commented. Nico thought about that but didn’t say anything.
“So. They’re right outside you say. Well then KILL THEM!” A creepy voice called from inside the giant doors. “Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.” Nico said seconds before the doors burst open with hundreds of guards pouring out.
Chapter 16: An Unexpected Friendship
They were surrounded. When they got through the window of the throne room, The Secret One had sent hundreds of guards after them. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea,” Nico said. “Well, we can’t do anything about it now, can we?” Jack replied. The guards were closing in. Jack tried to fight them, but, with each one that he killed, five more took their place. He was eventually overwhelmed and retreated to the group.
“How- many- are there?” Jack asked, out of breath. “We’re screwed.” Said Hudson. The guards were almost at arm's length now. Nico tried to use his magic, but they were too much, he couldn’t focus on all of them at once. Oh, dear Nico thought, we are screwed. “Wait,” A voice commanded, “I want to do this myself.”
The crowd of guards parted like the red sea. There, they saw a man. He was tall and had black hair. In his clothes, he saw the symbol of the Secret One, the scythe. “Leave us.” The man commanded. The guards left the room at that very moment. “Let me introduce myself,” The man said, “I am Loro, The Secret One’s left-hand man.” “Uh-oh,” Andres whispered, “We’re definitely screwed.” Loro looked at him and he immediately shut up.
There was something about Loro. Like an aura, yes, that was it. He could see it, a black, glowing light surrounding him. It made him seem more commanding and powerful. Nico wondered if his friends could see it. “Give me the sword,” Loro commanded. “The Sarabae?” One of his guards asked. “Yes.” Replied Loro. The guards handed him a red sword. It also seemed to have an aura.
“This is the Sarabae, it is one of the most powerful swords in the world. I will kill you with this, slowly.” Loro explained. He walked up to Jack. “I will kill him first,” Loro announced, pointing to Jack. Loro gripped the Sarabae and… Did something unexpected. Instead of stabbing Jack, He gave the Sarabae to Jack. “Come on, we don’t have much time before he finds out,” Loro said, walking to a painting. What had just happened? Nico thought to himself, was Loro actually on their side?
Nico didn’t know, but he followed him to the painting. It was a painting of a weird looking vehicle, even weirder than the escape pods. It had no wheels or any obvious things to move. It’s just a painting, don’t dwell on it. Nico thought. “Come, get in.” Said Loro. Get in where? Nico thought Loro was insane. “Quickly, into the painting.” Insisted Loro. When Nico got closer, he could see that it was not a painting, but a secret room with the weird vehicle in it. Nico could swear that it was a painting before. It must be some kind of illusion. Nico thought. He climbed on and got into the weird-looking vehicle.
“More weird looking vehicles?” Nico asked. “We have to get out of here,” Loro told him. “If he finds us like this then he’ll easily kill us. Servant, my sword.” Loro demanded from his monster servant. “Y-yes my lord.” The monster told him, handing him a glowing reddish-blue sword. “This is my sword Masamune, the legendary sword of the seven elders,” Loro told them polishing the blade. “Ok that’s cool,” Nico told him, “but we have no time to honor your all-powerful sword,” Nico said hurriedly. “Yes, yes I know,” Loro replied, starting up the vehicles.
“I guess we’ll have to deal with the Secret One some-”. Nico stopped suddenly. Everyone looked up. “YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY FROM ME!” Said the hooded figure above them. “Oh no,” Loro whimpered, “The Secret One has come for us.” “We have to get out of here.” they all said at once.
Chapter 17: The Hidden Ones
“COME BACK!” Said the Secret One. Nico had cast a stunning spell, which was supposed to knock you unconscious for hours, only stunned the Secret One for a few seconds, but it was enough. They had flown away in the weird-looking vehicles and now the Secret one was chasing them. “GIVE ME BACK WHAT YOU TOOK!” Called the Secret One, falling behind. “Why did you help us?” Asked Andres, once they had lost the Secret One. “That’s what I do.” Replied Loro. “What do you mean?” Asked Andres. “I’m in this secret organization that’s against the Secret One,” Loro explained. “You’re one of the Silent Ones?” Asked Ryan. “Of course not,” Replied Loro, “I’m with the Hidden Ones.”
“The legendary assassins?” Asked Ryan “I thought the Hidden Ones had been killed long ago.” “That’s what we made everybody believe,” Explained Loro, “So we could do our job more easily.” “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Asked Hudson. “We don’t fight the Secret One openly as you do, we infiltrate them and wait for opportunities.” Explained Loro “Sounds like you just want the easier job.” Hudson said absentmindedly. “No, we do the job another way,” Said Loro, “It’s still hard. You can never break character, not even in private. Not for years.”
“Well… I guess that is hard.” Hudson reasoned. “Didn’t you just break character?” Nico asked. Loro thought about that, the grin disappearing off his face. “Yes… I did. The council is going to kill me.” Loro told them, shaking his head. “Uh-oh. I’ve read enough books to know what’s going to happen now.” Nico yelled to him over the wind. “Let's get there and see what they say, I told my comrade to save your friend, Sophie.” Loro told them “He’ll do that? He looked like a monster to me.” Jack grumbled. “You can trust him, don’t worry about it,” Loro said reassuringly. “Now let’s keep going to the outpost.” Andres told the others. “We need a plan.”
Chapter 18: The Council
When they got to the Hidden Ones’ base, Nico asked where Sophie was. “She’s in the diner, eating something,” Someone told him. The group hurried to the diner to find Sophie eating some pork. “Hey! You’re ok!” Jack said excitedly. Sophie looked up from her plate “Oh, hi.” She said a little surprised.
“Oh ok.” Said Sophie. They had just finished explaining what had happened at the throne room. “When you guys left, a monster told me to follow him. So I did, then I heard this creepy voice command his guards to kill you guys. I was too far to hear the rest.” Explained Sophie. “Hey guys, so the Council is mad at me. There will be a trial tomorrow afternoon.” Said Loro sadly. “I hope it goes well.” Said Andres. “I don’t know, the Council is pretty strict. Maybe they won’t send me on missions anymore. I loved missions.” Loro told them sadly.
“Maybe we can defend you somehow?” Nico asked, feeling bad for him. “No, the council won’t allow you to speak. They already don’t trust you even a little. They hate the Silent Ones always ruining their plans for the future.” Loro said looking away. “Loro? The council will see you now” A servant called. “I thought they said tomorrow?” Loro said, confused. “Now.” The servant said plaintively. Loro followed him. That probably isn't good. Nico thought to himself.
Nico told the others he wanted to look around, but before they could reply another servant came and took them to their rooms. He had to share a room with Ryan and Andres. “Well, this isn’t good,” Ryan said, trying the doors. “They’ve locked us in,” Ryan told them. “Maybe,” Nico muttered. He wanted to try something. They probably didn’t know he had magic so … Click! “There,” Nico said with satisfaction. The door opened slightly. “Nice job Nico. Let’s go find the others.” Andres said, opening the door. They couldn’t find the others. It had been a few hours now. They were still running around trying to find them. They met back in their room. “They’re not on any of the dungeon levels. Where are they?” Ryan told them.
When they rounded a corner, they heard some voices. “Welcome, Loro to the Hidden Ones’ court.” Nico heard a voice say. “Come on, we at least have to know what’s going on,” Nico told the group, “This way, I’ll hide us.” Nico cast a shadow them, hiding them from sight. “You have been accused of assisting the Silent Ones and possibly revealing our existence to the Secret One.” Said the judge. “Yes, your Honor, but-” “And you gave the Sarabae to the Silent Ones.” Said the judge.
“Yes, your Honor, but since when are the Silent Ones evil?” Asked Loro politely. “They told the Secret One about our existence; for that, they are to be punished,” the judge replied coldly “You also will be punished for helping them. Loro, for your crimes against the Hidden One's brothership, you will be executed tomorrow at dawn.” What?! Nico thought, This is outrageous! Loro looked terrified as the guards seized him and dragged him away. “We have to do something,” Nico told his friends. “I’m all for helping, but we can’t get caught,” Andres told him, looking doubtful.
“Wait, if we follow where the guards take Lo,o, then we might find where our friends are.” Said Ryan. “Ok, let's go,” Agreed Andres. They had been following the guard for about an hour, but when Nico looked away for not even a second, the guards had disappeared. “Oh no,” Nico said sadly. “Now what?” He complained, looking at the others. “Hmm, well, we’re going to have to look around and see where they went. Since we lost him.” Ryan told them, looking around.
They decided to split up to cover more ground. After a few hours, Nico heard someone. “Is that you?” Said a voice behind him. Nico whirled around to come face to face with Loro. “Loro!” Nico called happily. “How did you get out?” He asked, confused. “I’m more powerful than they think,” Loro said, wincing. Nico found himself staring at an open wound in Loro’s side. “Are you-?” Nico started. “I’m fine,” Loro said dryly. “Let’s find the others.” He announced, walking past him. Nico wasn’t sure he was alright, but he couldn’t think about it now, he had to catch up. “We decided to meet at the library,” Nico explained, “Do you know where it is?” “Yes, right this way,” Loro replied, leading them away.
When they got to the library, the group asked Loro if he knew where they would put his friends. “Yes, I think so.” Replied Loro, leading them away for the second time. “They should be right here,” Loro told them. “Guys? Are you here?” Asked Nico. “Nico?” Responded a voice, “Is it you?” “Yes, I’ll open the door.” Nico responded, using his magic to unlock the door, “There, that should do it. You can come out now.” They saw Sophie opening the door. “Hi!” Said Sophie excitedly. “Hey, Andres and Ryan should be in the library by now, come,” Nico said.
Chapter 19: A Little Secret
They followed Loro to the library, where they found Andres and Ryan by a vault door. “Hey, you found them.” Said Andres. “Yes, what’s that?” Asked Nico, noticing the door. “We don’t know, we were hoping that you could help us find out.” Replied Ryan. “That is the restricted part of the library, nobody, except the leaders, are allowed inside.” Said Loro. “More reason to find out, don’t you think?” said Andres. “I’ll open it,” Nico said. This wasn’t like any kind of lock he had unlocked before.
He reached into his dark magic, put it in the mechanism, and… “What?” Exclaimed Nico, His magic had been pushed out by some kind of force. “Try again, I’ll help you.” Said Loro. Nico tried again, using his magic to open the lock. He felt the weird force trying to push his magic out, but this time, Nico had reinforcements. He felt Loro’s magic pushing at the force with him. The force was getting overwhelmed.
Click! The vault door opened. Inside, there was a massive library, bookshelves going as far as the eye could see. “How is it so big? It looked way smaller from the outside.” Asked Jack, confused. “So they did an enlarging spell, interesting.” Said Loro. “What’s an enlarging spell?” Asked Nico. “There are different types of enlarging spells, this one, creates another dimension which you can only access through that door. In this universe, it appears to be only bookshelves. I wonder if there are other restricted things here.” Explained Loro.
That’s when they heard the voices. It was an old frail voice saying, “It is done, master, he has been taken care of.” Then there was a creepy voice, was it the one they heard at the Secret One’s palace? Good, I shall take care of the other ones. “Yes, goodbye master,” Said the frail voice, “All hail the Secret One!” The group heard footsteps coming towards them. “Hide, now!” Hissed Loro. The group ducked behind a bookshelf as the footsteps passed. “I can’t believe this.” Said Loro. “Who was he?” Andres asked. “The Hidden One’s leader. I can’t believe he is corrupt.” Said Loro sadly. Nico couldn’t believe it either. Maybe that’s why the judge framed the Silent Ones and Loro, Nico thought, But then, the whole system is corrupt.
The Hidden One’s leader hadn’t gone to the exit, he had gone right to a bookshelf opposite to them. They saw a bright, glowing, golden sphere zooming to him. “What’s that?” Sophie asked. “That’s a zephyr, a messenger ball that goes to the specific person that it is sent to.” Explained Loro. The zephyr started making noises, then becoming actual words. Loro has escaped! We can’t find him! It said. “No! I have failed the Secret One.” Said the Hidden One’s leader, rushing towards the exit.“We have to get out of here.” Said Loro.
“This way,” Said Loro, “We can’t get caught now.” They had managed to sneak out of the main building (Which was huge) and were now on the road towards the Silent Ones’ outpost. “I hope I can stay with you guys until I have a home,” Loro said. “You can make our outpost your home, you could join us.” Said Hudson. “I don’t know…” Said Loro. “If you want to defeat the Secret One, we are your best shot,” Ryan told him. “Yeah! We would welcome you with open arms.” Said Andres. “I guess... I mean, I do want to defeat the Secret One and you are my best shot at it.” Reasoned Loro. “So… Is that a yes?” Asked Ryan. Loro smiled, “You just got yourself a new Silent Ones member.”
When they got to the small outpost, Hudson, Ryan, and Andres started preparing the official joining ceremony for Loro. “Hey,” Andres called from where he was sitting. “Hi,” Nico responded. “I’ve been thinking…” Said Andres, “I’ve talked about this to Ryan and Hudson about this.” “About what?” Nico asked, suddenly interested. “Well, I don’t know how to say this, but… Do you want to become part of the Silent Ones?” Asked Andres.
“Sure, I mean, I basically already am in the Silent Ones.” Responded Nico. Andres laughed, “On the part of the missions, but we are asking you to become an agent full time. That would mean disappearing as your father did.” Oh. Nico thought, That would probably mean never seeing my mom again. It was a hard decision. “I’ll get back to you,” Nico said absentmindedly, walking towards his room. He sat there, thinking for quite some time.
Chapter 20: The Amulet
“This is the last chance to back out,” Said Andres, “Do you all wish to proceed?” “Yes.” Said Loro, Nico, Jack, and Sophie at once. “Then I officially declare you, Loro, Sophie, Nico, and Jack, the new members of the Silent Ones brothership.” Declared Andres. Nico felt happy and a bit worried at the same time. He was sure his mother would have wanted him to do this.
Nico managed a weak smile when Andres looked at him. “Dismissed. We have some work to do in shaping this place up to living conditions.” Andres announced. Ryan and Hudson were busy on a mission so they wouldn’t be back until later.
He decided that he would sneak around. “How can I get to the lowest floor?” Nico asked Andres innocently. “Well, you can take the elevator,” Andres told him thoughtfully. “Why do you want to go there anyway?” Andres asked. “No reason. I just wanna take a look.” Nico answered running towards the elevator.
Nico found the elevator and pushed the button to get to the lowest floor. Ding! He got to the lowest floor. “I regret doing this,” Nico commented, walking off the elevator. It was so dark in here. He couldn’t even see a light switch. Crunch. Nico looked down terrified.
It was just a note. He picked it up to read. “Light the beacon, summon it.” Nico read out loud. “Creeeeee.” Something echoed from the far end of the room. “Ahhhhh!” Nico screamed running for the elevator. The elevator doors slammed shut behind him. “Oof,” Nico said sitting down, relieved. “Nev- never doing th- that again,” Nico said to himself.
Ding. The elevator doors opened and Nico ran out. “What?” Nico looked around. All the lights were out. He ran to the curtains and found that it was already night. Nico whirled around and ran to his room in the outpost. Nico ran like lightning up the stairs. Before entering his room he felt something behind him.
He whirled around to find nothing there. Nico, exhausted, just closed the door and went in. The next morning everyone was in the hall when Nico finally got dressed and got downstairs. Surprisingly Ryan and Hudson had returned. “Good, you’re here. Ryan, tell us again.” Andres said, turning to look at Ryan.
“We found this with a note,” Ryan said, passing the thing to Nico. “Woah. What is it?” Nico said, turning it around in his hands. “An amulet,” Ryan said, taking it back, “We found a note as well that said this.” This is the amulet of the wolf. Use it wisely. Nico read. “Who’s the wolf?” Asked Jack. “The wolf was the greatest fighter that ever lived. The Sarabae was his sword.” Explained Loro, pointing to the Sarabae strapped in Jack’s belt. “Ok… Then what’s that amulet?” Nico asked.
“People thought that his ‘powers’ came from a secret amulet of some sort. I think that this is it.” Loro said. “Why do you sound so sure?” Asked Andres. “Because I know it is true,” Responded Loro, “When I was with the Secret One, I didn’t have any magic. The Secret One got this amulet and gave me my magic. He then explained that there were five amulets. Each one gives you different kinds of magic: Dark, light, prediction, mind tricks, and battle.” He said, eyeing the amulet.
“So... You think that this is the amulet of battle?” Asked Ryan. “Yes,” Loro responded simply, “The Secret One also said that he wanted to search for the amulets. He said that if one got hold of all of them at once, that person would be the most powerful being in existence.” “Wow,” Commented Sophie, “But isn’t he already the most powerful being?” “Yes, but just by a little,” Replied Loro, “With the amulets, he will be a billion times stronger.” “So we have to stop him, even if it’s fake.” Concluded Nico. “Yes.” Said Hudson. “But we will have a really good fighter ourselves,” Loro said, eyeing the amulet and then looking at Jack. “Why are you looking at me?” Asked Jack innocently. Loro smiled at him, “Jack, get ready to be the next wolf.”
Book 2
The Amulet Of Doom