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Heads up! You're in our new betatest mode! Betatest allows you to test out all of our beta (premature) features before they come out on our main site! Updates on this site will take 2-3 days, less or more, to come out on our main site. Feel free to look around!

Your Questions Our Answers
Do I have to pay to become a site member?We get asked this question a lot. We want our website to be like a pay free place. Nothing you do on this website at the time being will make you pay to do something. So go become a site member. It helps us and our community grow!!
How to become a blog writerTo become a blog writer it's very easy. All the steps are nessecary so we can make sure that your writing is appropiate and not trying to promote yourself. 1. Become a site member. You'll need to do this since you can't post your blog without an account. 2. Chat with us about what you plan to write about. If you have any articles you've already written feel free to show them to us! 3. Give us some time to look through everything and if everything checks out then congratulations you're a blog writer. Make sure your articles are appropiate. Have fun writing!!
What do I do if the website or articles aren't working for me?Don't worry! If this happens our team will be on it right away trying to fix the problem. Shortages should only last for a few hours at the most. Any big problems you get contact us about them so we can fix them before they happen again. Have a great day!
How can I request a topic?Requesting a topic is easy! There are 2 ways to do it! The first way to do it is to go here and type your idea there or you can submit it in the chat. Please note that we're always busy so it might take a while for us to finish. For privacy reasons please tell us if you want credit or not. If you don't tell us then we won't credit you for your privacy.
Why does the sign up page keep showing up on some pages?There are now member's only pages to provide some perks to people who decide to sign up! To make this more accesible becoming a member is free!!! Please consider becoming one so you can look at more member's only pages that may be coming soon and so you can always be on top of the game with exclusive news before everybody else recieves it!
Where can I access the new Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions?You can access the new Privacy Policy easily by scrolling to the bottom of the page and you should see Privacy Policy | Terms and Conditions. If you do not see this please refresh your page and it should pop up! Feel free to review whenever needed! Privacy Policy should be updated every so often so remember to check back monthly!
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