*Important* Before everybody starts reading I wanted to credit some amazing people! Andres and Hudson thank you helping me create book 2! Art will be shown when the whole book is finished! Every 1 or 2 days 1 or 2 chapters will come out! Get hyped for this. Now Read On!

Chapter 8 The Knife
Nico doged just in time as the stalactite fell and crashed exactly where he had been standing seconds before. Nico couldn’t believe that just happened. “Nico? Where are you? What happened?” He heard someone call to him. He looked at his arm. “Uh oh.” Nico said weakly and with that blacked out.
“Where am I?” Nico muttered. He got up and felt a sharp pain in his arm. “What happened?” he asked no one in particular. He looked around, but no one else was in the room. He risked a look at his arm to find it wrapped in bandages. He tried to remember what had happened. The stalactite ha- Creeaakkk. He looked up. The door had opened up. A hooded man stood at the entrance.
“Percy, Valerius, Annabeth? Is it you guys?” Nico said warely. Don’t be crazy Nico that can’t be them they would have said something by now. “Youuu willlll dieeee.” The hooded figure said cruelly and with that he lunged for Nico. Nico didn’t understand why all the bad stuff kept happening to him that day. Fortunately for Nico Percy burst into the room. “Hey you’re . . . oh.” Percy said, noticing the hooded figure.
“Please don’t tell me that’s another bad guy.” Percy asked hopefully. “Uh he definitely is because he’s coming after me right now.” Nico said plaintively. “So are you gonna help me?” Nico asked. The hooded figure seeming to lose interest in the conversation crept forward again. “Percy what’s going on-.” Ryan and Andres burst into the room. “Who’s that?”
Ryan asked as they advanced on the figure. Nico mumbled something, but he was losing conscience. “Why do I keep getting attacked?” Nico managed to say just before blacking out. Nico woke up to find Percy sitting next to him. “Hey, you’re awake.” Percy noted. He seemed tired like he’d been up all night. “Were you here the whole time?” Nico asked him. “Yes.” Percy replied. “It’s been a few days now.” Percy said after a few minutes. “What! I’ve been sleeping here for a few days?!” Nico said immediately, trying to stand up. He immediately felt a very strong pain. “Don’t try to stand up, you’re still hurt.” Percy told him firmly.
Nico fell back down. “Where’s Annabeth?” Nico asked. “She is in the library, researching some stuff.” Percy replied. “We can go there after I have breakfast,” Percy said, glancing towards the kitchen, “I haven’t eaten anything for hours.” They managed to walk their way to the buffet table.
“Wow!” exclaimed Percy looking hungrily at the table, “Look at all this food!” “Can’t you just stop thinking about food for a minute?” Asked Nico, annoyed. “Nah,” Said Percy, dismissively, “Well, at least the food will give you energy for walking.” “True enough.” Nico reasoned “Here, catch!” Called Percy, throwing an orange at him.
Nico, still getting used to moving, dropped the orange which fell to his feet. “It doesn’t matter, let's go after you eat something.” Percy said. “I thought you hated her lectures.” Nico said, smirking. “Only when someone lectures me.” Percy said indignantly. “Well I'm done, are you ready to go?” Nico questioned, looking at the door. Percy looked sadly at all the food he could’ve eaten. “Yeah... I guess so.” Percy said looking again at the food.
They walked over to the library to find no one there. “Uh I thought you said she was in the library,” Nico said looking around, “Well it’s not possible to stay here that long though. I mean, what can you do?” Read?” Percy said thoughtfully as if the idea felt wrong. Nico rolled his eyes. “Well there’s no one here now.
“Percy? Nico? Have you seen Annabeth?” Valerius was rushing towards them. “No we couldn’t find her. Why are you looking for her?” Nico asked him. “I needed some help with a map I found, but that doesn’t matter. She’s gone.” Valerius explained. He told them what had happened. “You guys should look here and i’ll take the basement.” Valerius called to them rushing off.
Nico saw something drop out of his pocket. “Valerius you-.” Nico started looking down at the chain. It was a silver scythe token or something. “Hmm.” Nico said more or less. “Ooo what is it?” Percy asked him. “Not sure.” Nico told him stuffing it in his pocket. “Let’s follow him.” Nico said running the way Valerius had gone.
Chapter: 9 Missing
“Annabeth?” Nico felt like they’d been yelling her name for hours even though it had only been a few minutes. He couldn’t believe that she disappeared. This really was the worst day ever. Hudson, Ryan, and Andres were at the outpost so they couldn’t help. Nico didn’t feel like asking Leonardo either.
Where had Valerius gone? He had only disappeared a few minutes ago. Now they were both missing. “Annabeth?” Nico called again, “Where are you?” No one responded. Where had she gone? Where could she go? They had searched the whole mansion by that time his feet felt like falling off.
The only explanation left was that she maybe went to check on the outpost or that she got kidnapped… Nico had to tell Percy, but, where was he? They had split up to cover more ground in their search. He could be anywhere by now. “Percy?” Nico called. No one answered. “PERCY!” Nico called even louder. Still no one answered. “Don’t move Nico. Or else your friend dies.” A voice answered.
“Who are you? Why do I feel like I know you?” Nico asked puzzled. Percy didn’t look so good. He was slumped over the mystery man’s back. “You do know me. As a different person maybe…” Said the man. Nico couldn’t shake the feeling. He knew this person. “Can you guess Nico. Don’t you recognize my knife?” The man asked, teasing him.
Suddenly it came to him. This was, this was… “Yes it’s me Nico . . . Valerius.”