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The Secret One Chapters 17 - 18


*Important* Before everybody starts reading I wanted to credit some amazing people! Andres and Hudson thank you helping me create book 2! Art will be shown when the whole book is finished! Every 1 or 2 days 1 or 2 chapters will come out! Get hyped for this. Now Read On!

Chapter 17: The Hidden Ones

“COME BACK!” Said the Secret One. Nico had cast a stunning spell, which was supposed to knock you unconscious for hours, only stunned the Secret One for a few seconds, but it was enough. They had flown away in the weird-looking vehicles and now the Secret one was chasing them. “GIVE ME BACK WHAT YOU TOOK!” Called the Secret One, falling behind. “Why did you help us?” Asked Andres, once they had lost the Secret One. “That’s what I do.” Replied Loro. “What do you mean?” Asked Andres. “I’m in this secret organization that’s against the Secret One,” Loro explained. “You’re one of the Silent Ones?” Asked Ryan. “Of course not,” Replied Loro, “I’m with the Hidden Ones.”

“The legendary assassins?” Asked Ryan “I thought the Hidden Ones had been killed long ago.” “That’s what we made everybody believe,” Explained Loro, “So we could do our job more easily.” “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Asked Hudson. “We don’t fight the Secret One openly as you do, we infiltrate them and wait for opportunities.” Explained Loro “Sounds like you just want the easier job.” Hudson said absentmindedly. “No, we do the job another way,” Said Loro, “It’s still hard. You can never break character, not even in private. Not for years.”

“Well… I guess that is hard.” Hudson reasoned. “Didn’t you just break character?” Nico asked. Loro thought about that, the grin disappearing off his face. “Yes… I did. The council is going to kill me.” Loro told them, shaking his head. “Uh-oh. I’ve read enough books to know what’s going to happen now.” Nico yelled to him over the wind. “Let's get there and see what they say, I told my comrade to save your friend, Annabeth.” Loro told them “He’ll do that? He looked like a monster to me.” Percy grumbled. “You can trust him, don’t worry about it,” Loro said reassuringly. “Now let’s keep going to the outpost.” Andres told the others. “We need a plan.”

Chapter 18: The Council

When they got to the Hidden Ones’ base, Nico asked where Annabeth was. “She’s in the diner, eating something,” Someone told him. The group hurried to the diner to find Annabeth eating some pork. “Hey! You’re ok!” Percy said excitedly. Annabeth looked up from her plate “Oh, hi.” She said a little surprised.

“Oh ok.” Said Annabeth. They had just finished explaining what had happened at the throne room. “When you guys left, a monster told me to follow him. So I did, then I heard this creepy voice command his guards to kill you guys. I was too far to hear the rest.” Explained Annabeth. “Hey guys, so the Council is mad at me. There will be a trial tomorrow afternoon.” Said Loro sadly. “I hope it goes well.” Said Andres. “I don’t know, the Council is pretty strict. Maybe they won’t send me on missions anymore. I loved missions.” Loro told them sadly.

“Maybe we can defend you somehow?” Nico asked, feeling bad for him. “No, the council won’t allow you to speak. They already don’t trust you even a little. They hate the Silent Ones always ruining their plans for the future.” Loro said looking away. “Loro? The council will see you now” A servant called. “I thought they said tomorrow?” Loro said, confused. “Now.” The servant said plaintively. Loro followed him. That probably isn't good. Nico thought to himself.

Nico told the others he wanted to look around, but before they could reply another servant came and took them to their rooms. He had to share a room with Ryan and Andres. “Well, this isn’t good,” Ryan said, trying the doors. “They’ve locked us in,” Ryan told them. “Maybe,” Nico muttered. He wanted to try something. They probably didn’t know he had magic so … Click! “There,” Nico said with satisfaction. The door opened slightly. “Nice job Nico. Let’s go find the others.” Andres said, opening the door. They couldn’t find the others. It had been a few hours now. They were still running around trying to find them. They met back in their room. “They’re not on any of the dungeon levels. Where are they?” Ryan told them.

When they rounded a corner, they heard some voices. “Welcome, Loro to the Hidden Ones’ court.” Nico heard a voice say. “Come on, we at least have to know what’s going on,” Nico told the group, “This way, I’ll hide us.” Nico cast a shadow them, hiding them from sight. “You have been accused of assisting the Silent Ones and possibly revealing our existence to the Secret One.” Said the judge. “Yes, your Honor, but-” “And you gave the gae rún to the Silent Ones.” Said the judge.

“Yes, your Honor, but since when are the Silent Ones evil?” Asked Loro politely. “They told the Secret One about our existence; for that, they are to be punished,” the judge replied coldly “You also will be punished for helping them. Loro, for your crimes against the Hidden One's brothership, you will be executed tomorrow at dawn.” What?! Nico thought, This is outrageous! Loro looked terrified as the guards seized him and dragged him away. “We have to do something,” Nico told his friends. “I’m all for helping, but we can’t get caught,” Andres told him, looking doubtful.

“Wait, if we follow where the guards take Lo,o, then we might find where our friends are.” Said Ryan. “Ok, let's go,” Agreed Andres. They had been following the guard for about an hour, but when Nico looked away for not even a second, the guards had disappeared. “Oh no,” Nico said sadly. “Now what?” He complained, looking at the others. “Hmm, well, we’re going to have to look around and see where they went. Since we lost him.” Ryan told them, looking around.

They decided to split up to cover more ground. After a few hours, Nico heard someone. “Is that you?” Said a voice behind him. Nico whirled around to come face to face with Loro. “Loro!” Nico called happily. “How did you get out?” He asked, confused. “I’m more powerful than they think,” Loro said, wincing. Nico found himself staring at an open wound in Loro’s side. “Are you-?” Nico started. “I’m fine,” Loro said dryly. “Let’s find the others.” He announced, walking past him. Nico wasn’t sure he was alright, but he couldn’t think about it now, he had to catch up. “We decided to meet at the library,” Nico explained, “Do you know where it is?” “Yes, right this way,” Loro replied, leading them away.

When they got to the library, the group asked Loro if he knew where they would put his friends. “Yes, I think so.” Replied Loro, leading them away for the second time. “They should be right here,” Loro told them. “Guys? Are you here?” Asked Nico. “Nico?” Responded a voice, “Is it you?” “Yes, I’ll open the door.” Nico responded, using his magic to unlock the door, “There, that should do it. You can come out now.” They saw Annabeth opening the door. “Hi!” Said Annabeth excitedly. “Hey, Andres and Ryan should be in the library by now, come,” Nico said.



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