*Important* Before everybody starts reading I wanted to credit some amazing people! Andres and Hudson thank you helping me create book 2! Art will be shown when the whole book is finished! Every 1 or 2 days 1 or 2 chapters will come out! Get hyped for this. Now Read On!

Chapter 14: Breakout
“I can’t believe I agreed to this.” Nico hissed at Percy. They were climbing up the side of the factory to get into the main room. That was supposedly where the jailor who had the keys to the dungeon was. It made sense since he was the boss, but did they have to climb up a wall? “It’ll be worth it, now come on, we have to rescue the others,” Percy told him. Nico obligingly followed him up the factory wall.
“Wait Percy. Did you say supposedly? I thought you were for sure he would be there.” Nico told Percy, making a face. “Uh, did I say that? Whoops! I meant to say that he’s there for sure.” Percy said. “You’re not buying it are you,” Percy grumbled, a few seconds later. “Nope,” Nico told him, grinning. “Look, the main room is our best shot at finding the jailor. Where else could we find him?” Percy asked. “Fine, we’ll go to the main room.” Agreed Nico. “Wait aren’t jailers usually in the dungeons?” Nico realized. “Oh. They are?” Percy said thoughtfully while taking out a notebook.
“Where did you get a- Ugh, never mind,” Nico told him. “Let’s just get to the dungeons,” Nico muttered, climbing down. Sometime later they finally found the dungeons. They found the jailer a short way away from the door muttering to himself. Nico could see the keys on his chair. “Come to papa.” He said mostly to himself. Using a bit of magic, he willed the keys to come to him preferably without the jailor seeing him. “Knock him out,” Nico muttered to a rock, throwing it as hard as he could at the jailor.
Instantly the jailor fell to the ground, clearly unconscious. They walked past him towards the cells. “Split up. Yell when you find them.” Percy called walking another way. Nico kept going. He found them close to a lava river. “Guys!” Nico called excitedly. They looked up with relieved looks on their faces. “Nico! You’re back!” Annabeth called to him.
“Percy I found them!” Nico yelled echoing through the corridors. He managed to find the right key and unlock their cell. Fortunately, he unlocked the cell right before the keys fell in the river. “Oops,” Nico muttered. “Thank you,” said Annabeth. “Come on, let’s find Percy.” Called Nico, walking back the way Percy had gone.
“Percy!” Nico called again. “Right here!” Percy called back. “Meet you at the dungeon entrance!” Nico called. “Hey, guys,” Percy said once they were out of the dungeons. “Come on, we have an evil overlord to defeat.” Said Ryan.
Chapter 15: The Secret One
“Come on guys,” Nico whispered, “We’re almost there.” They had disguised themselves as some of the skeleton guards. They were going to sneak into the throne room and kill the Secret One, hopefully, without causing much trouble. They were now in the main room, following a hallway that led to the throne room. “I don’t think that we are allowed here anymore.” Noted Hudson. “You think so?” responded Annabeth skeptically. “Come, I’ll hide us.” Said Nico, casting a shadow around them to hide them from sight.
When they reached the throne room’s doors, they lost hope. There were massive, medieval-looking doors. There was no chance that they could break-in. “Nope, not this way,” whispered Andres, walking back the way they came. “Wait.” Said Hudson. “There is a window right there,” Percy pointed out, “Come on.” With that, they climbed up to the window and went through. There was a little ledge where they could walk through to get to the throne room. “Nope,” Said Annabeth, “I don’t do well with heights. You guys go, I’ll stay.” “No, we go together, or not at all,” Nico told her.
“I have to set the poison bombs, Nico,” Annabeth told him. He didn’t like it, but he went with the others as they left Annabeth behind. “I’m not sure that was a good idea,” Nico told the others. “She can do her job pretty well. You’d be surprised.” Hudson commented. Nico thought about that but didn’t say anything.
“So. They’re right outside you say. Well then KILL THEM!” A creepy voice called from inside the giant doors. “Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good.” Nico said seconds before the doors burst open with hundreds of guards pouring out.
Chapter 16: An Unexpected Friendship
They were surrounded. When they got through the window of the throne room, The Secret One had sent hundreds of guards after them. “I told you this wasn’t a good idea,” Nico said. “Well, we can’t do anything about it now, can we?” Percy replied. The guards were closing in. Percy tried to fight them, but, with each one that he killed, five more took their place. He was eventually overwhelmed and retreated to the group.
“How- many- are there?” Percy asked, out of breath. “We’re screwed.” Said Hudson. The guards were almost at arm's length now. Nico tried to use his magic, but they were too much, he couldn’t focus on all of them at once. Oh, dear Nico thought, we are screwed. “Wait,” A voice commanded, “I want to do this myself.”
The crowd of guards parted like the red sea. There, they saw a man. He was tall and had black hair. In his clothes, he saw the symbol of the Secret One, the scythe. “Leave us.” The man commanded. The guards left the room at that very moment. “Let me introduce myself,” The man said, “I am Loro, The Secret One’s left-hand man.” “Uh-oh,” Andres whispered, “We’re definitely screwed.” Loro looked at him and he immediately shut up.
There was something about Loro. Like an aura, yes, that was it. He could see it, a black, glowing light surrounding him. It made him seem more commanding and powerful. Nico wondered if his friends could see it. “Give me the sword,” Loro commanded. “The gae rún?” One of his guards asked. “Yes.” Replied Loro. The guards handed him a red sword. It also seemed to have an aura.
“This is the gae rún, it is one of the most powerful swords in the world. I will kill you with this, slowly.” Loro explained. He walked up to Percy. “I will kill him first,” Loro announced, pointing to Percy. Loro gripped the gae rún and… Did something unexpected. Instead of stabbing Percy, He gave the gae rún to Percy. “Come on, we don’t have much time before he finds out,” Loro said, walking to a painting. What had just happened? Nico thought to himself, was Loro actually on their side?
Nico didn’t know, but he followed him to the painting. It was a painting of a weird looking vehicle, even weirder than the escape pods. It had no wheels or any obvious things to move. It’s just a painting, don’t dwell on it. Nico thought. “Come, get in.” Said Loro. Get in where? Nico thought Loro was insane. “Quickly, into the painting.” Insisted Loro. When Nico got closer, he could see that it was not a painting, but a secret room with the weird vehicle in it. Nico could swear that it was a painting before. It must be some kind of illusion. Nico thought. He climbed on and got into the weird-looking vehicle.
“More weird looking vehicles?” Nico asked. “We have to get out of here,” Loro told him. “If he finds us like this then he’ll easily kill us. Servant, my sword.” Loro demanded from his monster servant. “Y-yes my lord.” The monster told him, handing him a glowing reddish-blue sword. “This is my sword Masamune, the legendary sword of the seven elders,” Loro told them polishing the blade. “Ok that’s cool,” Nico told him, “but we have no time to honor your all-powerful sword,” Nico said hurriedly. “Yes, yes I know,” Loro replied, starting up the vehicles.
“I guess we’ll have to deal with the Secret One some-”. Nico stopped suddenly. Everyone looked up. “YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY FROM ME!” Said the hooded figure above them. “Oh no,” Loro whimpered, “The Secret One has come for us.” “We have to get out of here.” they all said at once.