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Book Related News! *Updated April 6th Teaser Coming Tommorow!*


Hey guys! So we decided to make book 1 and 2 for the secret one different. The Secret One will now be book one and the other one is just a short story with no reference regarding the Silent Ones book series. We also decided to change Percy's and Annabeth's names to Jack and Sophie. We did this because it will seem like we copied it from the Percy Jackson series. So we are now looking for originality. We have also updated the sword name from Gae Run to Sarabae.

The Secret One Full Book will be updated with this shortly! If you have any concerns regarding this than please comment down below. The Secret One and the Amulet of Doom will most likely be sold for paperback and ebook! This is very exciting news for us and our readers! Please note this is not yet confirmed but most likely and hopefully will be soon! Latest News: We have started progress on the book once again! If you haven't already heard the month of march was a break month for our team and we have only recently started back up again.

Because you've all been so patient with our book we will be posting the prologue as a sign of our gratitude tommorow!! Stay tuned for that! We are also including an unconfirmed blurred cover image! Remeber this is still unconfirmed and may or may not show up in the finished book. Thank you for your support! We really appreciate it! ❤️

(Unconfirmed blurred cover image)

Unconfirmed blurred cover image



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