*Important* Before everybody starts reading I wanted to credit some amazing people! Andres and Hudson thank you helping me create book 2! Art will be shown when the whole book is finished! Every 1 or 2 days 1 or 2 chapters will come out! Get hyped for this. Now Read On!

Chapter 6: Brothers
“Yes it is.” Leonardo said, tearing up. They hugged each other. “Wait, you guys know each other?” Nico asked, confused. “Why of course. We’re brothers after all. Don’t you remember me telling you about him!” Nico’s dad exclaimed. “Yes, but I didn’t think this would be him.” Nico exclaimed. Everyone started to stare at Leonardo but he didn’t seem to notice, he was too happy.
“Come in, Come in.” Leonardo said happily. Everybody started forward. When they got inside, they saw a young boy, about 13 or 14 years old. “There you are m’boy, come here and introduce yourself.” said Leonardo. “Hi, i’m Valerius.” The boy said friendly. “You are?” He asked excitedly. “I’m Nico, these are my friends, Percy and Annabeth.” Replied Nico.
“Hi, you don’t have any food around here do you?” asked Percy. “Percy, don’t be rude!” Annabeth exclaimed. “What? I’m hungry!” Percy exclaimed. “It’s ok, we’re having dinner now, feel free to join us.” said Valerius.
Chapter 7: Valerius
“Woah!” Exclaimed Percy, “This food is amazing!” “Thank you,” said Leonardo, “The chef did all the cooking.” “Is he a five star chef or something?” Andres asked. “Yes! Isn’t his cooking wonderful.” Replied Valerius. “So, what do we owe this wonderful surprise to?” Asked Leonardo. “Well, we got attacked and our HQ got blown up.”
Replied Ryan sadly. “Oh, I didn't know, I'm sorry” Said Leonardo. “It's ok…” Said Ryan, even sadder. “Anyways! We hope we can stay here until we can at least build a small outpost.” Andres told him. “Hmmm. I could help you with that problem. I have a few giant bunkers around here that could be of some assistance. We use them to check the water systems, but you could use it.” Leonardo mused.
“Really!?” Andres said getting up immediately. “Why of course! Valerius could take you there, right son?” Leonardo asked. “Of course father. I would be happy to show them around.” Valerius said happily. Ryan got up. “Do you have a library around here?” He asked Leonardo. “Of course you’ll find it down the passageway.” Ryan muttered something to himself as he walked away. That was weird Nico thought. I should probably follow him. He asked to be excused and quickly ran down the passageway Ryan had gone. He wanted to figure out what Ryan was doing. He found Ryan sitting in a chair looking at a picture. He crept behind him to take a look.
Ryan seemed to be reading something, but Nico couldn't make it out. “Hello?” Nico said carefully. Immediately Ryan got up and whipped around. “Oh it’s just you.” Ryan said relief in his voice. “What are you doing?” Nico asked. “Hmm? Oh I found a book earlier before we had to abbandon the outpost. It's about these amulets." He said thoughtfully.
"I thought it was important for some reason. Like something came over me and I felt a need to take this book before the explosion." Ryan mused.j “Anyway. Uh why did you come to the library?” Ryan asked shaking his head. Uh oh. Nico didn’t plan ahead enough for this. “Uhhh . . . I uh- just wanted to find something?” Nico tried. “Oh, Cool.” Ryan replied looking back at the book.
Nico wasn’t sure whether Ryan believed him or not, but that didn’t matter now. “I’m gonna look around.” Nico told Ryan absentmindedly. “I’m gonna go with Andres to check out the outpost. I’ll see you later.” Ryan told him getting up. Ryan had just left so Nico started to look around. Suddenly a loud crack echoed through the corridors.
Nico looked up in horror as a stalactite broke from the ceiling and fell straight toward him.