After a few months of no work being done to the book itself the Secret One is once again in production! The Prologue to this series has been posted and can be found in our Blog section! We thank all our readers for their continued support for this book series and we hope to see it published within the next few months! Co-Writer I am back :) I am Andres. Characters All your favourite characters and more will be seen in the series! The main trio is here as well with Nico, Jack, and Sophia being the main characters in this series as they were in the discontinued one! Ryan, Andres and Hudson will also be making an appearance but we plan to make some new additions as well! Aside from your usual characters they'll be a lot of new appearances as well with many new characters being introduced!
Story Line
The main story of this book will mostly be staying the same with a good amount of adjustments and additions to make this series more interesting! Many more secrets will be added as well!
Release Date
The Release Date of this series is unknown at the moment! We plan to release it within the coming months!
Additions to the Website itself
We've added a V.I.P forum for any members that sign up before the end of September! After that the only way to get the role is to either, be a supporter, blog writer, admin, or a website designer of Guardian Canada! Exceptions can be made of course!

Who else is excited 😁