09/26/22 - (MM/DD/YY) Hey everybody! It's been a long while since we posted an update on 'The Secret One' Book 1 and 'The Amulet of Doom' so if you're interested in that your going to have to hang on for just a little bit more 😅 New Book News The New Republic is a book I've decided to (at the moment) solo. Here's a little backstory to what the book will be about. The New Republic is a wartorn country that has been facing war on 2 fronts from the Ixodora Empire and the Kroryn Union for over 3 years. Answering his countries call to arms 18 year old Jax and his buddy Jake enlisted into the Armed Forces. Under the command of Colonel James Cragaun train tirelessly for 3 weeks before being sent to their new battalion. Soon news of a new plan of attack 'Operation SpearHead' reaches their battalion. They've been ordered along with the 21st Tank Division, 18th Mechanized Division, 25th Spec Ops Battalion, and 5th Air Wing to carry out a surprise assault breaking through enemy lines and beeline towards the capital. Before carrying out their mission their base is attacked by a staggering amount of Ixodora Elite Guards. Their Commander recklessly sends them into a suicidal charge as he escapes on the battalions only tank.
The Secret One Series
Okay... this is a tough one. Rough position on this series. We've been working on re-writing the series since it's A - Been in need a revamp anyways & B - It had a fair amount of errors and we both agreed we could rewrite it and make it so much better than the original version. Progress on the rewrite is all but halted due to the fact that Summer is now over. In general we haven't gotten very far in it either. Lot of different problems arose such as available timing for both of us, lack of effort and interest at times, and life getting in the way. Q & A Q | Do we plan to continue working on the series? A | At the moment yes, we plan to continue working on the series unless life gets in the way or we lose effort or interest in the book in general. Q | When do we plan to release the book? A | In all honest we're not sure. All I know for sure is it likely won't be coming anytime soon. Q | Why start a new series? A | With so many new ideas all the time I feel it was inevitable that we headed down the path of starting a new series. Perhaps more series soon?
Q | Will the new series interfere with the progress of the old book?
A | Most likely yes unfortunately.
Will add on to this Q & A soon :)
And with that just wanted to add a side note, if you're interested in sharing your ideas and stories with the world and don't know how to feel free to reach out to us and become a writer in our community. We'll help get your writing known to many more people and help you develop as our community continues to grow. Reach us at GuardianCanadaOfficial@gmail.com
Thank you everyone for your time and I do apologize if your disappointed about the pause on the old series, I know it had a lot of love but just cant find too much time with all these new ideas and life getting busier every passing day. To make it up to you we'll be open to receiving suggestions for both the old and new series. To make a suggestion sign up (its free) and go to our forum page. From there join our new suggestion group!
Have a great one everyone!
