It was supposed to be a normal day, like usual the sun was shining brightly, the trees swaying in the wind as they always did, no sign that my whole life was about to turn upside down. “Jack! There you are! Al and I were looking for you.” Someone said from behind me. “Oh, hey Ace!” I replied. “Where have you been? It's Saturday!” Ace exclaimed as he caught up. “I have a bad feeling about today…” I replied, my mind racing. “Let’s head to your house, I'll call Alejandro.” Ace explained as we walked to my house. When we turned the last corner toward my house we ran into Alejandro, literally. We both fell back and groaned in pain. “Come on Jack.” Alejandro groaned, “Not cool.” I rubbed my head and stood up. “Sorry about that,” I said apologetically, giving him a helping hand. “It’s fine. Never mind that there’s something I need to tell you.” Alejandro says with a hint of fear. “Oh?” I question him. “Let’s head to your house and then talk, I got a feeling it’s the best choice for everybody,” Alejandro tells me. As we walk Ace gives me a quizzical look then runs towards the house. As we enter the house Alejandro explodes. “Your new neighbours are VAMPIRES!” He exclaims with a crazed look on his face. “What are you talking about Alejandro?” I yell back. “Look, Jack, I found out that the neighbours are vampires, I did some background searches on them because I thought something was off. and I eventually found out the truth,” Alejandro told me.
“If that’s true we have to get out of here!” Ace exclaimed, panicking. “Guys hold on a seco-”. I began but was cut off when someone rang the doorbell. “Give me a second, guys,” I explained. When I opened the door I stood there with shock. It was my new neighbour. “Uh… hey Mr. Jones!” I said with fake enthusiasm. “Hello Jack, sorry for the intrusion, we just wanted to invite you to our Halloween party in a few hours.” Mr. Jones said matter of factly. “Oh, okay. When is it?” I asked politely. “In 3 hours.” He replied. “Okay, thanks Mr. Jones,” I replied, closing the door. As I walked in Alejandro and Ace were staring at me in disbelief. They probably heard me. “Guys… I’m sorry but I had to. We have to end Mr. Jones and his family to save the rest of our neighbours and friends,” I told them. Alejandro sighed. “Okay Jack, we’re with you,” Alejandro replied and Ace nodded. “Okay then, let’s get dressed,” I told them, opening the door.
5 Hours Later
“Okay guys, it’s go time,” I exclaim as Ace and Alejandro knock on the door with just a minute to spare. As we headed out and were about to knock on Mr. Jones's door the door swung open and women greeted us. “Hello! You must be Jack! I’m Mr. Jones’s wife. I see you brought some friends with you, delightful! Please, come inside.” She exclaimed happily and ushered them inside. It was pure chaos inside the house, Jack could feel his heartbeat rising as he looked on. Everyone was partying it up, people were dancing, talking, and even sleeping. It seemed as if the neighbours had invited everyone on the block to their party. As I looked around I spotted Mr. Jones dragging a sleeping person into a dark room near the left side of the house. “Guys we have to pretend like we’re sleeping,” I announce in a whisper.
“Why?” Ace said in disgust. “I have a plan,” I tell them, “Just follow my lead.” They both sigh until Ace finally replies. “Fine… we’ll go along with it.” I nod my head, overly grateful. As we “fall asleep” I could hear Mr. Jones coming over and grabbing all 3 of us. As we were pulled along I opened my eyes for a quick glance and sighed in relief. We were being taken to the darkroom, I probably shouldn’t have felt relieved that this was happening but this is how you feel when your plan works out. The moment I heard the click of a lock I opened my eyes and attacked Mr. Jones head-on. Ace and Alejandro did the same. “What the.” Mr. Jones said, breathing hard as we relented our attack. “You're going to *cough* pay for that.” Mr. Jones rasped.
Before we could react he raced towards a cabinet and took out a gun. As quick as lightning Ace, Alejandro and I ran towards the door, unlocked it and rushed outside. As we began running the crack of a gunshot echoed in the house. I turned to see Mr. Jones glaring at us with his blood-red eyes. Everyone inside the house started screaming and rushed to the door. While the guys ran I heard another gunshot and I turned around to see the police had shot Mr. Jones. His wife was nowhere to be seen. As I ran, tears in my eyes from what I had just witnessed I knew I would always remember this, I wouldn’t forget, I just couldn’t. As we ran out of the house I could hear the thundering boom of the lightning above. I sighed in relief, the horrifying thoughts, the deadly missions, it was all over.