Near the start of the book Turtle was watching Darkstalker rise up out of the ground. He got too panicked and rushed a spell to hide him self from Darkstalker. Almost immediatly Peril attacked Darkstalker with her firescales, but later learns that nothing can hurt him. Peril and the rest of them seem uncertain about him. He begins talking and that's when the spells start. He enchanted Winter and everybody in the whole world to like him.
Qibli seemed worried when Winter began to talk like a kinder dragon. They began to fly back to Jade Mountain. Qibli asks Turtle to keep an eye on Darkstalker because Darkstalker couldn't see him. Darkstalker convinces them on the way that everything is okay. Qibli still didn't believe it, but Tutle didn't realize that until later. Once they got back Moon introduced the Nightwing students to him.
They seemed afraid at first, but after Darkstalker gave them powers they trusted him completly. Soon after giving Flame his perfect face back he was found trying to kill Stonemover. Turtle was getting a feeling Darkstalker wasn't a very good dragon. Afterwards he goes back to Qibli's cave feeling lonely without his clawmate Umber.
Qibli let's him in and asks what he learned.
Once Turtle started to explain Winter left, so he told Qibli everything that had happened. That was when Qibli had asked if Turtle could help him. His biggest wish set right on the table. "Can you make me an Animus," Qibli had asked? Turtle wasn't sure about that, but Qibli said it was okay. Qibli asked Turtle to do something else though. Enchant his earing to help clear his mind from Darkstalkers spell.
Qibli thanked him and told him that he should go with Darkstalker and Moon when they left that morning for the rainforest and then the Night Kingdom. Turtle tried to say no, but Qibli wouldn't take no for an answer. The next morning he was off with Moon and Darkstalker to the rainforest. When they got to the rainforest he challenged Queen Glory for the Nightwings. Once the Queen left he began to give out powers to the Nightwings.
Turtle was getting a bad feeling about that. Soon enough almost the whole tribe went with him to the Old Night Kingdom, the real one. He gave out even more once they got there. Once he got used to the layout he went to Moon and Kinkanjou's room. Darkstalker came in talked to them and left soon after. Anenome burst in right after he left and attacked Moon and tried to distract Darkstalker so he wouldn't come and see what was happening.
It didn't work though. Darkstalker was much smarter than Anenome thought and banished her to the Sea Kingdom. Turtle apoligized to Moon and Kinkanjou and went to find Anenome. He found her somewhere in the hundred isles. He finally learned what she had done to whirlpool and what she was going to do to there mother. He tried to talk her out of it, but when that didn't work he started using animus spells.
Anenome stared in shock at him disbelief all over her face. She got angry all of a sudden and attacked turtle with more spells. The outburst of all those spells alerted Darkstalker of what was happening. Though he only called them all to his throne room when Anenome had calmed down. In the throne room he found out about Turtle. Darkstalker got Kinkanjou here asking a spear to bring someone Turtle cared about so he would stop hiding.
At the last moment Turtle threw his stick to Anenome and all his camoflauge was gone. Darkstalker sent everybody away and took away his powers. Then threw him in his dungeon saying he would never see the sun again. At around the same time (we didn't know until the next book) Tsunami was captured.

It's been a pleasure to read this book! Amazing work Tui T. Sutherland. I would rate it 4.5/5 ⭐!